How Painful Is Electrolysis Vs Laser Hair Removal?
Suffering from unwanted body or facial hair? If you want to enjoy beautiful and smooth skin, then laser hair removal could be the right approach. But how painful is laser hair treatment when compared to electrolysis? Let’s answer that once and for all. First, here’s a refresher on how both treatments work:
What Is Laser Hair Treatment?
Laser hair reduction (a.k.a. removal) is a popular treatment that involves a concentrated laser beam to remove hair. This laser is converted to heat energy which disables your hair follicles from producing additional hair. Through this process, future hair growth is significantly delayed and prevented.
What Is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis was invented over 100 years ago to remove ingrown hair from eyelashes. It is an effective and permanent treatment for removing your unwanted hair.
To perform electrolysis, an electrologist uses a small needle that is inserted into your hair follicle. From here, an electrical current pulses through the needle, which destroys the hair follicle and prevents it from growing back
How Painful Is Electrolysis Compared To Laser Hair Treatment?
The truth is that all hair removal methods come with some pain or discomfort, such as waxing, depilatory creams, and chemical removal.
And yes, electrolysis and laser treatment can also be uncomfortable. It is common to experience mild pain during the application of laser treatment. However, sessions don’t usually last longer than several minutes.
Electrolysis is more painful on average than laser removal, with longer session times. Luckily, you can have your technician numb the area beforehand for a virtually pain-free experience.
So, how painful is electrolysis hair removal vs laser when it’s all said and done? To summarize, all hair removal procedures involve some level of pain or discomfort. But electrolysis is described by most clients as more painful than laser removal.
Additional Factors: Choosing Your Hair Removal Treatment
Temporary pain might not be your only concern when ensuring youthful, hair-free skin. Here are some additional considerations to keep in mind:
Number Of Sessions Required
For laser treatment, it is recommended to receive up to 6 sessions to get rid of all of your unsightly hair. These sessions can be spaced about 4-6 weeks apart.
With electrolysis, it can take around eight, around 12 sessions within 12 months to see permanent results. Each session only takes about 15 minutes to one hour individually.
Permanence Of Results
Laser hair reduction is not known as a permanent treatment, although you can enjoy hair-free face and body areas for a significant length of time (for weeks, and even months).
Electrolysis is the only FDA-approved treatment for permanent hair removal since the hair follicle cannot regrow after the treatment.
Skin And Hair Types
Laser hair reduction is typically more effective for those with a combination of dark hair and light skin. However, it can be appropriate for all hair and skin colors.
Electrolysis is the most versatile treatment for a variety of skin and hair types. It can even be used on light hair or fine hair. It is safe for all skin tones and even for delicate parts of your body, such as your bikini area or eyelashes.
Say Goodbye To Unwanted Hairs Today
Most of hair removal clinics use top-of-the-line equipment, training, and care in providing hair reduction and removal. When you go to consultations, technicians will help you understand if laser hair reduction or electrolysis is the right approach for your facial and body hair. Schedule your first consultation today and start enjoying the new you.